Free Parking in Aspen

February 18 - 23
Well what can I / we say about Aspen? We love skiing here (Highlands!) and seeing our friends G and M, their daughters I and W, and the animals. Thank you again for your hospitality ❤️.
We haven't been here in two years, so it was really fun to sit around the dinner table with this great family and see how much the girls have grown and continue to mature. We love how this family interacts.
When people ask which area they should go to if they could chose only one spot for a ski vacation, I always say Aspen. Why? Because you can chose between four different mountains and ski so many different types of terrain. This is a strategic choice, especially if going with a group — there's definitely something for everyone, every level. This recommendation has one caveat: since we never go into town / do the Aspen tourist thing, we can only reference the skiing experience.
I also recommend Aspen because of the fantastic transportation system. Why drive and pay exorbitant amounts for parking when you can park at the Intercept / Brush Creek lot and is super convenient. From our experience, there is ample space in the lot, no matter what time of day (can't speak about weekends since we normally stay away). But know overnight parking / camping is not allow and could result in a ticket if you are caught.
Buses to all the mountains run frequently. Unfortunately, during the week, the bus from the lot to Highlands involves a cumbersome transfer that can leave one waiting for the transfer bus. Not a good thing when you're dying to get on the slopes, but still, it sure beats driving. Fortunately, on the weekends, there is a direct express bus that is saaaweet!
Luckily, we never experienced any crowds in all the times we've been here (four), though we've read the mountain has become much more crowded because of IKON pass holders. For all the five days (four for 1der) I skied here this time, this was not my experience as I always skied right onto the lift, even at HIghlands on a Saturday, our last day, February 22.
If you're going to Aspen / Snowmass and want to stay at a charming, cozy, and super conveniently located studio (entire place to yourself), definitely check out G and M's airbnb. The Intercept lot is just down the hill from them. Be sure to mention us when booking.

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